Special Topics
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AGD:FACTSHEETCompiled for you by the Academy of General Dentistry
? Bruxism is the technical term for teeth
grinding and clenching that causes
facial pain. People unintentionally
bite down too hard at inappropriate
times, such as in their sleep. In addition
these bruxers may also may bite their
fingernails, pencils and chew the inside
of their cheek. People usually aren’t
diagnosed with bruxism until it is too
late because so many people don’t
realize they have the habit. Others
mistakenly believe that their teeth must
touch at all times.
Who suffers from bruxism?
Bruxism is triggered by people with
certain types of personalities. They
may have a nervous tension and a hard
time handling stress. Anger, pain and
frustration can cause people to start
showing the beginning signs of bruxism
with out them even knowing it. People
who are aggressive, competitive and
hurried also may be at a greater risk for
What can be done?
Your general dentist automatically
checks for physical signs of bruxism and
if it seems to be present the condition
may be observed over several visits
before recommending and starting
therapy. The objective of therapy is
to get the bruxer to change behavior
by learning how to rest the tongue,
teeth and lips properly. While simply
becoming aware of the problem and
changing their behavior may be enough
for some people, others will have to
wear a plastic mouth appliance, such
as a night guard that’s worn to absorb
the force of biting. This appliance can
prevent future damage to the teeth and
helps change the patient’s destructive
behavior. Biofeedback is used on
daytime grinders by using electronic
instruments to measure muscle activity
and to teach patients how to reduce
muscle activity when the biting force
becomes too great. Researchers are still
experimenting with new ways to help
those who tend to clench in their sleep.
One in three people suffer from bruxism,
which can easily be treated by a dentist.
?What are the signs
of bruxism?
P Tips of the teeth look fl at
P Extreme sensitivity due to the
inside of the tooth (dentin)
being exposed from grinding
P Jaw pain due to popping
and clicking of the
temporomandibular joint
P Tongue indentations
From the office of:
Yaelle Gabay, DDS
2701 W Alameda Ave Ste 600
Burbank, CA 91505-4411
(818) 848-3322